Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Were waiting on one more angel!!!!!

Good Bye Ogden.....Hello again Oceanside

OMG! I am soooooooo happy. In 1 week we move home to Oceanside for good.

It's bitter sweet for my Husband he has lived here for 5 yrs but not for me. I will never ever leave my oceanside again. I am so thankful from where I come from and was raised. "I just want to be with my own family..." sounds like a song...lol... I hope this move goes fast and smooth.

We are flying my brother in law on tuesday and he is going to help us drive the u-haul. I hope we dont catch snow but my luck Utah will just bring that my way for sure.

Can't wait for a fresh start and to be with all of our family and friends again.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hyland's teething tablets- Recall


I just gave these to Anuhea last night.

This the 2nd recall I have been through in less then a month for her stuff. I just got over the scare with the Similac Recall and now this!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Visit Home

My Diaper Bag. Geez I didn't realize how much crap I have in there..lol

Love this picture. Best friends with their daughters. They are 2 weeks apart.
Anu and Ati Girl

Seeing Papa! He was happy to see her.

Anuhea and Brooklyn 5 months apart.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Four us is going to get pretty crazy for us soon. Have some news but cant spill the beans yet!

Promise soon though!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

one phone call and 2hrs later....

We were on the road home to Cali!

About 2 Friday's ago I got a phone call from my Mother-in-law @ 8 am. Asking If Cameron was right next to me. I actually was in the living room on the other line trying to sell our mini fridge on Ksl.com. I told her he was asleep and she just started balling. I couldn't understand her and I started shaking because all I could hear was his Dad had a Heart Attack and she was on her way to the hospital and she didn't know what was going on.

I had to think a minute how I was going to wake up my husband and tell him "your mom called and your Dad had a heart attack?" I was so nervous to go in the room and tell him. I knew it was going to be bad. I asked him him to wake up and come out of the room because i had to tell him something? he wouldn't come. After I told him I didn't want to wake the baby he sat up and yelled at me" just tell me". All I said was Your Mom called and he started crying and then I finished the rest. He cried so hard and was shaking so bad I thought he was going to have a heart attack. He was so emotional he couldn't even dial his Mother's phone Number.

So after 5 mins of thinking I got on the computer and called my sister to help me find a ticket to fly Cam home. Well we didn't know what was going on and his brother and sisters were calling and we all came to a agreement we should all come just to prepare for the worst.

In 2 hours

* I drove to Best Buy to tell them my Husband was not coming in to open/pick up his check
* called all of our bosses to notify them of the situation
* Did 2 loads of laundry
* sold the Mini Fridge and it was picked up
* packed all of our stuff
* packed up our dog and her belongings
* cleaned out the car/packed up the car
* went to the bank
* got Gas

And we were off to see Our Dad!

We made it there at 10pm because the last 3 hrs Anu was not having it and we had to make lots of stops also if she cries for too long according to our Dog Siva. Siva will start crying also. So a baby and a dog crying at the same time is not the best situation.

We went straight to my Mothers who watched our Dog because we didn't want Siva in the car any longer then she had to be. I was going to leave Anu with my Mom also because I didn't know if it would be a good ideal to bring her too. But we did.

We got to the hospital and we were greeted by just Cameron's Immediate Family and was so nice for all of us to be together.

Cam got to see his Dad in the NICU and it brought tears to my eyes that were in a position and God blessed us to be by our Dads side.

We ended up staying for a week. I will post all the pics soon.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Splash time!

Anu loves the water so much.

What you Can and Cannot change.....

There are many things you can change, and there are many things you simply cannot change. Both kinds of things can add value to your life.

With the things you can change, you have the opportunity to improve the circumstances in your own life and in the world around you. In dealing with the things you cannot change, you can grow stronger and develop real wisdom, patience, acceptance, and flexibility.

There is much you can learn from the things you cannot change. You can use that knowledge and experience to positively affect those things you can change.

The things you cannot change give you a base from which to work. The things you can change give you an ever-increasing world of possibilities.

By gently accepting what you cannot change and finding positive ways to deal with it, you lay the groundwork for success. By understanding what you can change and finding positive ways to put that change to work, success and achievement begin to happen.

What a blessing it is to live in a world where there are both things you can change and things you cannot. Each turn of events, in its own way, gives you the opportunity for adding richness to life.
-- Ralph Marston

Have a great day!!! : )

Love this. I read it everyday and it helps me when I get mad or sad. I tell myself there are some things I will never be able to change!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Labor Day weekned

My Sister and my Mom flew me and Anu home to surprise my Dad for his 50th Birthday. I was so nervous flying with Anu alone because she is older and more active. The first half of the flight was awesome she did great but the second half we stopped in Phoenix and had to pick up people and she was not having it. She was so fussy even before we took off that I just wanted to get off the plane and try and catch another flight. But i knew I couldn't do that.

My Dad was so happy to see us! He didn't eat his dinner he held Anuhea the whole time!!! While we were in town we got to catch my little brother's football game and I made Anu the cutest Outfit for the game, went to the beach, saw lots of family, and Anu came back with a whole new wardrobe thanks to my Dad.
Anu with her Grandma!

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Here are some of my Tutu's I have made so far. I have many orders to do and lots of extra cash I will make. I didn't even think I would be good at theses and all the feedback I gotten back from others have been so encouraging.

Target Trip!

Spent a Total of $47.60

It took me about an hour and half in the store because this week my coupons weren't organized. Thank goodness Anuhea was a little Angel the whole time and didn't fuss once. Love her! This by far is my best trip so far.

Here is the breakdown of what i got
1 case of bolttle water
2 bottles of smart water
1 pillow
3 Nuk bottles
1 Gerber bottle
4 coasters
2 candles
2 boxes of Gerber cereal
4 (2) packs of Gerber baby food
1 bottle of tide (36) loads
1 bottle of Similac ready to go Formula
2 packs of wipes (72 count each)
1 glade air freshener
1 box of Nabisco Snacks (12 bags)
1 pack of dividers
1 bag of String cheese
1 box of pizza bites
2 bags of pre made cinnamon rolls
1 loaf of Garlic bread
1 case of La Corix drinks

Not bad. I was so happy and I took a picture of the total before the coupons which was $71.58 and an after picture with the new total and sent it to Cam on his phone while he was at work. I am so proud of myself!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

4 months!

4 months old


My little girl is growing so fast. I hate it! She truly has changed my world and me as a person. I absolutely love being a mom. It is the greatest feeling I have ever felt. Her Dad dressed her in this outfit and finally he dressed her color coordinating. Lol. I usually come home and she is all mis match. Anuhea got her 4 months shots yesterday and boy was she fussy. I had to hold her the whole night. She would just lay on my chest and if I moved her she would cry. I was crying inside for her. I kept telling her I was so sorry and it was for her own good. She ended up falling asleep at about 11pm and woke up at 2am and every hr after that. I was exhausted the next day and I had to work. But as soon as I cam home from work this is what I came home to the picture above. she was back to herslef smiling and laughing away.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Letter Designs

Letter designs!

I made this for a friend and I just love how it came out.

Her baby boy's nursery theme is fishing/Hunting!

Move over Martha Stewart....lol

I don't know what has gotten into me but I think the my whole coupon experiences have been going so well and I have really turned frugal with stuff. (my Husband calls me cheap..lol) I have now started making Tutu's and letter's for Babies and I think I have finally found something I am really good at and love doing. Plus I am saving tons of money and now I'm actually making money. I have 3 people who are going to pay me to make them a tutu all in just one week. I love it and love having the extra cash. I have turned into a little homemaker the last month.

Also I am so excited because My stock pile or as my husband calls it "the closet that saves our lives in between pay periods"..haha has grown and has stayed so organized. I love to just stare and look at it. It took me about 9 months to build.

I will post pictures soon of all my little hobbies soon.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Cam's parents met Anuhea for the first time @ Cam's Graduation. What a special day for them.

All the mommies and their little ones.

Okay it has been a long time since I got on here!

As soon as I got Pregnant It was horrible. I had "all day" sickness for about 5 months and as soon as that ended I had swelling bad and high blood pressure! I was put on bed rest the beg of April and Anuhea joined us on April 19 @ 5:11 am. 5lbs 4oz 18inches. I will do a post later on the delivery.

Cam graduated 5 days after Anuhea was born and it was lovely to see her at his graduation. I am so proud of him. There are some pictures above. I got to get back in the grove pf things here on my blog.

I recently went back to work part time and Cam watches her while I am work and he is working nights right now.

Siva (our Dog) has been wonderful w/Anu she loves her and wants to constantly be around her. But, I still never take my eye off of Siva with her or leave them alone together.

Just a couple of updates for now!