Saturday, August 28, 2010


Here are some of my Tutu's I have made so far. I have many orders to do and lots of extra cash I will make. I didn't even think I would be good at theses and all the feedback I gotten back from others have been so encouraging.

Target Trip!

Spent a Total of $47.60

It took me about an hour and half in the store because this week my coupons weren't organized. Thank goodness Anuhea was a little Angel the whole time and didn't fuss once. Love her! This by far is my best trip so far.

Here is the breakdown of what i got
1 case of bolttle water
2 bottles of smart water
1 pillow
3 Nuk bottles
1 Gerber bottle
4 coasters
2 candles
2 boxes of Gerber cereal
4 (2) packs of Gerber baby food
1 bottle of tide (36) loads
1 bottle of Similac ready to go Formula
2 packs of wipes (72 count each)
1 glade air freshener
1 box of Nabisco Snacks (12 bags)
1 pack of dividers
1 bag of String cheese
1 box of pizza bites
2 bags of pre made cinnamon rolls
1 loaf of Garlic bread
1 case of La Corix drinks

Not bad. I was so happy and I took a picture of the total before the coupons which was $71.58 and an after picture with the new total and sent it to Cam on his phone while he was at work. I am so proud of myself!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

4 months!

4 months old


My little girl is growing so fast. I hate it! She truly has changed my world and me as a person. I absolutely love being a mom. It is the greatest feeling I have ever felt. Her Dad dressed her in this outfit and finally he dressed her color coordinating. Lol. I usually come home and she is all mis match. Anuhea got her 4 months shots yesterday and boy was she fussy. I had to hold her the whole night. She would just lay on my chest and if I moved her she would cry. I was crying inside for her. I kept telling her I was so sorry and it was for her own good. She ended up falling asleep at about 11pm and woke up at 2am and every hr after that. I was exhausted the next day and I had to work. But as soon as I cam home from work this is what I came home to the picture above. she was back to herslef smiling and laughing away.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Letter Designs

Letter designs!

I made this for a friend and I just love how it came out.

Her baby boy's nursery theme is fishing/Hunting!

Move over Martha

I don't know what has gotten into me but I think the my whole coupon experiences have been going so well and I have really turned frugal with stuff. (my Husband calls me I have now started making Tutu's and letter's for Babies and I think I have finally found something I am really good at and love doing. Plus I am saving tons of money and now I'm actually making money. I have 3 people who are going to pay me to make them a tutu all in just one week. I love it and love having the extra cash. I have turned into a little homemaker the last month.

Also I am so excited because My stock pile or as my husband calls it "the closet that saves our lives in between pay periods"..haha has grown and has stayed so organized. I love to just stare and look at it. It took me about 9 months to build.

I will post pictures soon of all my little hobbies soon.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Cam's parents met Anuhea for the first time @ Cam's Graduation. What a special day for them.

All the mommies and their little ones.

Okay it has been a long time since I got on here!

As soon as I got Pregnant It was horrible. I had "all day" sickness for about 5 months and as soon as that ended I had swelling bad and high blood pressure! I was put on bed rest the beg of April and Anuhea joined us on April 19 @ 5:11 am. 5lbs 4oz 18inches. I will do a post later on the delivery.

Cam graduated 5 days after Anuhea was born and it was lovely to see her at his graduation. I am so proud of him. There are some pictures above. I got to get back in the grove pf things here on my blog.

I recently went back to work part time and Cam watches her while I am work and he is working nights right now.

Siva (our Dog) has been wonderful w/Anu she loves her and wants to constantly be around her. But, I still never take my eye off of Siva with her or leave them alone together.

Just a couple of updates for now!