Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Were waiting on one more angel!!!!!

Good Bye Ogden.....Hello again Oceanside

OMG! I am soooooooo happy. In 1 week we move home to Oceanside for good.

It's bitter sweet for my Husband he has lived here for 5 yrs but not for me. I will never ever leave my oceanside again. I am so thankful from where I come from and was raised. "I just want to be with my own family..." sounds like a song...lol... I hope this move goes fast and smooth.

We are flying my brother in law on tuesday and he is going to help us drive the u-haul. I hope we dont catch snow but my luck Utah will just bring that my way for sure.

Can't wait for a fresh start and to be with all of our family and friends again.