Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Anuhea!

Oh where did the time go??? My little "Anu" is one years old. She is such a happy little girl!
I remember so well the day I found out out I was pregnant to the moment I first held her! Now she's growing so fast!

Love this picture of Anuhea and Her Daddy! they were dancing and she laid her head on his shoulder the whole time. How sweet my baby girl and my handsome husband.
We did a Hello Kitty theme party for her and it was fun! All the decorations were so cute! We had a blast. The food, cake, bouncer, face painting, and DJ was awesome!

Cameron and I took a trip to LA and got all of her Decorations for a really good price. I think I was going crazy over the decorations. I just wanted everything to be perfect for her!
The cupcakes and the cake was a Hit at the party everyone loved them. They were gone in minutes! I didn't even get a chance to have any :( Poor Malia was kicking away because I didn't let her Mommy!

We did a small little party for her on her actual Birthday and it was a hard day for me because everything we went through in that year.

My Dearest Anuhea!
You will never know how much you mean to Mommy and Daddy! You make the world such a better place. You take away our fears, stressful days and turn them into laughter and loving moments for us!

Happy Birthday Anuhea!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

9 months!

Wow! 9 months My Anuhea is! It is going by so fast. She is such a joy and I still look at her everyday and am amazed that she is mine!

she is such a happy baby. She waves Hi and Bye all the time. Especially to her Dog (Siva). If you ask her what a Lion does? and Growl she will growl back. Its the funniest thing. She shakes her head side to side when you say "no". She gives Kisses and hugs. Dances to any kid of music or song you sing to her. She loves Dogs and the water! But most of all she loves food!! My goodness the way she eats she should be way bigger for her size. She def. has Daddy's appetite.

we have already started planning her 1 yr b-day party! I am so excited but sad at the same. The last two days I went through all of her pictures from the day she was born to now and I cried at all the videos we had of her and just in awww with her. I want her to stay like this forever. She truly is the greatest thing ever. I love being her Mom and just to see her Smile or when I come through the door and she is there waving at me melts my heart every time!

Here are some videos of her at the beach. she is too much. I should have known she would do this???

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Its a GIRL!!

Yes! Our Baby girl is Due June 11 my Birthday. Anuhea was due on May 11 Cam's Birthday. 11 is our lucky number! I have a thing for number 11! I am going to admitt I was a little sad and shed a couple of tears it was a girl. Just because I wanted a boy so I could be done. Pregnancy is really hard on my body. Cam was so excited and so am I. He said we could stop after this one but me being the crazy person I am and know how much Cam and I both want a boy! We are going to keep on trying. Were just going to give it a couple of years!! lol.

Actually having a girl works out best for us financially because we have everything already. but you know me I am still going to shop a little for our new baby girl!..haha

Question is should I have a baby Shower or Not. I would do a very small one?? My Mom amd Mother In Law say yes for sure!!???

Sunday, January 2, 2011

all settled in....

We made the move and boy it took a toll on me! Moving while in your first trimester is no bueno! I was so tried and lets just say that was Anuhea's last road trip for awhile. I was so happy to move to home and things really fell in to place for us.

We were moving home with a little surprise to our plans we had for or future. I am pregnant!! Little did I know I was until I was 2 months along. I almost had a heart attack. I was so overwhelmed I couldn't believe it. I was taking my BC pills but little did I know when my BC got switched to a low dose because of still having high blood pressure i was suppose to use a back up method for at least 3 months. A fact I was told by my sister who has no

It took me awhile to get over the shock but I am grateful to be able to have another child on the way. From being told by Dr's when I was diagnosed with a thyroid problem years ago that it could possible be hard for me to conceive to now having 2 kids that will be 14 months months apart! Cameron is so excited and while his plans for Master's has been put on hold he ended up landed a great opportunity with Chase Bank as a Personal Banker. Hoping for growth with the company and to obtain his Master's also. So proud of him!

I get to be a stay at home wife for a while and while I love it so far it has been a challenge for me to accept I am not bringing in any money to our household. I have been working since I was 16yrs old. But I know I will love the fact that I get to be home with my babies for awhile. coming from a family where my Mother and Father both worked full time and were not able to stay home just stayed in my head that was going to happen to me and nope here I get the chance!

Since being back we have been able to see family and friends and all the dinners they have hosted for us has been awesome and delicious.

Anuhea is loving all the attention she is getting by both sets of Grandparents, Auntie's , Uncle's, cousin's, and close family friends. She has been getting spolied rotten.

Siva is loving she has a back yard to run free and has a playmate Roxy( my In-law's dog). When we bring her in for the night she goes straight in the room and plops on the floor to five mins later she is knocked out and snoring away. I have woke up in the middle of the night blaming Cam for snoring and it's really the dog!! hahah.